Empower Women

Accouchée Empowers Women
Mothers are currently the fastest growing segment of the U.S. workforce. Women make up a significant portion of the United States’ GDP. If women didn’t work, US would not be able to maintain its economic status.
While 81% of U.S. babies start out being breastfed, only 22% are still exclusively breastfed six months later.
Two in three expectant moms say that there's a stigma against women who breastfeed at work, and half think breastfeeding at work could negatively impact their careers.
The Society for Human Resource Management reported that only 25 percent of companies surveyed had lactation programs or made special accommodations for breastfeeding.
A new study from University of Minnesota School of Public Health found that while federal law requires employers’ accommodate new mothers returning to work, only 40 percent of new moms are given breaks or private space to pump breast milk.
If employment conditions encourage women to initiate and continue breastfeeding through the first 2 months of work, they may be more likely to extend breastfeeding duration as recommended through at least the first year.
Empower new moms to challenge the norms and ease their post-partum lives for better next generations!

Accouchee is a brand born from a strong willed mom along with the birth of her son who believed there should be a better world where nursing moms aren’t confined into their homes with a bunch of shabby clothes.

Since it’s creation, the brand has been enabling many expecting and new moms to continue their every day lives with functional yet stylish clothing.

The brand empowers today’s modern, educated and pragmatic moms to challenge the societal norms about breastfeeding as well as what expecting moms should or shouldn’t do.

No wonder Accouchee has a special place both in the heart and wardrobe of many moms.