Our Story

They say, having a baby changes everything...
It sure does.
After working for 15 years in different institutions such as the European Investment Bank, GE, Accenture and Vitol, I gave birth to my beloved son, Arhan. I loved being a new mom, but I felt like it was not me anymore!
On the one hand, motherhood was restrictive and energy-consuming. On the other hand, it awakened the most creative and productive version of me. My experience as a mother and a static I read at the World Economic Forum in 2018 provided me with the inspiration and the foundation for the brand.
According to World Economic Forum's 2018 Gender Gap Report, every year 140 million women give birth. 43% of them quit their jobs afterwards, and 60% of those who quit regret. When asked "Why do you quit?", they answer "Because there is a stigma against new moms, it is difficult to pump at work, and there is no maternity wear for business environment". I decided not to be a brand; but a voice. I wanted to stand for all women who choose to sustain their pre-birth selves.
I was constantly finding myself in unattractive maternity wear that made me feel nothing like the old me. I was mainly at home with ugly clothes. Each time I was out, I was missing the best part of the conversation as I leave the table to nurse elsewhere. I was constantly fighting with the nursing cover. I was missing the social/business life I used to have.
I wanted options to wear that were easy and practical, yet stylish and luxe. I wanted to wear clothes not because I have to, but I would love to. After struggling with maternity wear options for six moths, I decided that I could provide women with better quality and timeless pieces that could be worn during pregnancy, nursing and for many years after giving birth.
While raising my son, I started to expand Accouchée with product development, production, sales and many other functions. Today we take pride in the fact that all of our products are made in Turkey; and I am happy to introduce women with a brand consisting of high quality and stylish products.
On my daughter's birthday, we received the news that we had been accepted into one of the largest chain stores in the USA. We continue to realize our dream of a world where breastfeeding mothers are not confined into their homes or nursing rooms. I hope that our designs will make women feel strong and self-confident again; because everything starts with a strong and happy mother; and a happy child she raises can change the world.
Ilgın Ozdemir Yazgan